Clatskanie Rifle and Pistol Club
Minutes for March 2024
General Meeting
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM
Board members in attendance as follows:
Ron Jones- President, Bill Pitman- Vice President, Gerry Simmons- Range Master, Cindy Sacry – Secretary
Pres: Minutes from last month was approved.
Treasure: Gerry read the treasure report.
Gerry will open a CD with money from the savings.
Bill said that there will be a work party on Thursday, March 14, 2024, and Friday, March 15, 2024, to replace the board in the outdoor range, dig a hole in the new range and to clean up the indoor range. It will start at 8 AM. Ron said that Len was going to bring a vacuum pump for the indoor range.
NRL Shoot: Wayne said that there were 12 shooters.
Small-bore: has earned 4 points, they have 5 more matches left.
Black powder: they had a few shooters.
Silhouette: had 8 people on Wednesday.
Muzzle Loader Shoot: will start next month.
Range Duty: Gerry has two people for the March 9th and 10th. We had two people volunteer for the 23rd and the 24th.
Bill said that we need dig a hole in the new range for a new gate.
Cindy said that she sent an email to Melanie to get updates on the following:
- QuickBooks, she has received a letter and will try to get a solution on the matter.
- She has not received anything from our accountant yet.
- She had not received anything from the IRS regarding not for profit status yet.
Regarding the status of new software for the club, Cindy is waiting for one more quote from a vendor. Cindy contacted our accountant and asked what he needed to do our taxes and has updated the board.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM
Cindy Sacry